Sunday, May 08, 2005

Thanks .... But No Thanks

Zak gifted me with a very special Mothers' Day pressie today. I headed out back for my daily sit-and-knit a little later than usual. Okay, this is how oblivious I can be..... I knit for nearly 15 minutes before gazing down toward my feet to see a pile of fluffy gray feathers...... and a bird's head. Yep - just a head. Say it with me: "Euuuuuuuuwwwwwwww!" I must admit I considered taking a pic for the blog, but in the end decided to spare you.

Finished the Lorna's Laces Lakeview sox on Friday. The second sock just lay awaiting the afterthought heel for over a week. I don't know exactly when I became so blase about completing sox, but I didn't even try these on until yesterday for the photo session. You can't really tell in the photograph, but the colors and dye pattern are slightly different. My fault for not checking to be sure I had the same dyelot. I know it's no big deal, really, but you'd think when I decided to invest $18 in wool for a single pair of sox that I'd at least check.

These are the second pair of my summer sox, knit from Cascade Fixation. I can get one pair of footies from one 50g ball, so they're very economical. I sort of went crazy over at Elann with the Sock-It-to-Me, and have a bunch of colors now. Remember the Peacock sock? I've cast on and knit a couple of inches of the second sock.

Hey to my pal Doro!! She's an online friend from way back in my polymer clay days. It's been ages (maybe a couple of years??) since we've spoken... I was reading some of the Harlot's archives (including comments) when I ran across Dorothy, and e-mailed her right away. Good to talk to you again, my friend. I haven't forgotten that I want to send you a box of yarn.

Speaking of the Yarn Harlot, no, I ended up not going up to K'zoo on Friday. I was bummed to miss out, but that's just the way I am. I did order the bookbookbook from Kaleidoscope Yarns, though. (Plus a few balls of wool to keep the book company.)

Instead of travelling to Michigan, I got to babysit for niece Jill. We had fun; she's a pistol! She says "Shake it, baby" and other things. Sister Jane is trying to convince me Jill says "Shake your booty," but I swear I hear boobies... I'm just saying.