Saturday, November 05, 2005

Recent Socktivity

Okey-doke... batteries are charged, and I'm finally back online.

These are the socks I knit to give to my glass-friend in place of the faded CTH sox. They're knit of Regia Strato Color on US1.5 dpns, 60 sts and PGR short-row heel.

Regia Jubilee, on US1 dpns over 70 sts. Started in October (so they qualify as gen-yu-wine Socktoberfest sox) for my son. I'm a little further along by now.

Regia Jacquard, 60 sts on US1 dpns. First sock completed ages ago, and second sock begun in October.

And finally, these monstrous Fuzzy Feet!! I used Reynolds Lite-Lopi in purple and black, on US10.5 dpns. Since this photo I've felted them - it took two trips through the washer. Pics soon (they're still a wee bit damp).