Friday, October 07, 2005

No Such Thing as a Cat-Free Zone Here...

After showing all my single socks, it's only fair to show the pairs, too, isn't it? Actually, this is my official entry in Jane's All Socks contest. To be honest, this picture is missing a couple of pair - one pair on my feet and one in the washer. As well as all the socks I've gifted, naturally.

The anklets are all made with either Cascade Fixation or Elann's Sock-It-To-Me Esprit, with the exception of the multi-colored socklets on the bottom right. Those are made of KnitPick's Dancing - I don't recommend this yarn for anklets like this because it only takes about 3 minutes of wear to make them feel loosey-goosey. I plan to frog these and knit a pair of socks for my niece. Maybe. Someday.